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Hort Connections Conference in Review

Hort Connections is Australia’s premier horticultural conference and trade show. The event provides a great opportunity for the horticultural industry to get together and share ways to grow, connect and thrive. With around 3300 attendees, it is a significant event in the calendar and Australia’s largest horticultural conference.

The GP sales team was in attendance and exhibiting with many at the event happy to see Brett and Phil back together.

gpVision on Exhibition

The Melbourne Conference Centre is an impressive venue and the perfect place for the conference. The expansive halls came to life with fresh produce of all shapes and varieties, enthusiastic exhibitors and a wide range of machinery and technology for attendees to explore.

There was a definite theme of automation and technology present with exhibitors sharing technology designed to support growers through every stage of production and the supply chain. Technology being exhibited included supply chain data tracking, automated packaging solutions, fruit grading and food processing.

Brett and Phil were thrilled to man a double stand and demonstrate how gpVision™ is revolutionising grading – reducing waste, categorising the quality of fruit more accurately, reducing labour costs and increasing productivity. The pair spoke to over 150 people on Trade Hall Tuesday and were able to demonstrate the gpVision™ software to many interested attendees.

Data is the Future

In addition to connecting in the exhibition hall, conference attendees could hear 40 industry experts speak. The talks focussed heavily on the need to embrace cutting-edge technology such as automation, big data and autonomous vehicles. Attendees were also able to get ‘out in the field’ with off-site tours available to those wanting a first-hand view of both farm and retail operations.

Tech for Today and Tomorrow

The team at GP has long recognised that technology is the future of the agricultural industry, so it was exciting to attend a conference with like-minded exhibitors and industry members who are keen to explore how technology can support their operations.

The proven capability of gpVision™ is best demonstrated in person and exhibiting at Hort Connections was a fantastic opportunity to showcase how revolutionary our grading systems and software are.

If you had a chance to chat with the team at Hort Connect, let’s continue the conversation. Likewise, if you missed the conference or our stall, but are interested in gpVision™ let’s talk.

Author: gpgraders
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